Daily Mass:
- 8:30am | Monday - Saturday (Followed by Office of Readings and Morning Prayer)
- 12 noon | Monday and Tuesday (except Monday the 16th)
- 7pm | Fridays
Sunday Mass:
- Saturday Vigil at 5pm
- 8:30 and 11:30am in English
- 2:00pm in Spanish
Communal Penance Service
December 23rd at 7pm. Three Priests will be available
Christmas Eve Masses
- 4:30pm - Children's Nativity Play (English)
- 5:00pm - Family Mass (English)
- 7:00pm - Evening Mass (English)
- 9:00pm - Night Mass (English)
- 11:00pm - Night Mass (Spanish)
Christmas Day Masses
- 10:00am (English)
- 12:00 noon (Spanish)
New Year's Eve
- 5:00pm - Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God
New Year's Day: Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation)
- 10:00am Mass in English
- 12:00 noon Mass in Spanish