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Writer's pictureRobert Dwyer

Pastor's Letter 4/19

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Christ is risen! Χριστός ἀνέστη!

Truly, He is risen! Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!

Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter, also known as Divine Mercy Sunday. This is a wonderful time to pray for the gift of our Lord’s mercy for us and the whole world. We will continue to celebrate the resurrection throughout the Easter season, until we get to Pentecost, which will fall on May 31 this year. Our celebration of the sending of the Holy Spirit will conclude the Easter season.

We continue to pray for an end to the spread of the corona virus (Covid-19) so we all can start again with our work, our education and being able to attend Mass and church activities. In the meantime, we will keep you up to date on our website with the live streaming schedule and any other developments.

I would like to thank in a special way the following people for their dedication to the Triduum Celebrations held during the pandemic of 2020. For managing the live streaming and recordings of the Masses, prayers and devotionals, thank you to Robert Dwyer. He has been there for each one of the special events to make sure all the technology is set and ready to bring the celebrations into your home for you to see and experience together; for the beautiful music that touches our hearts and gives us that familiar sound I know you have been missing in person. Thank you to Hannah Masson who has worked with the cantors and musicians to bring you comfort and joy through sound. Thank you to our cantors, Audrey Shafer, Bobby Terry, Rob Masson and David Watson, Inez Calderon, and Joe Rosetti for the English and bilingual Masses; and for the Spanish Masses, Adele Masson, Tanya Sanchez, Eli Robleres, Gladys Cornejo and Blanca Navarro. For changing the scenery of the Sanctuary to help focus our attention on the altar, the table of the Eucharist, thank you to the Altar Society members: Bobby Terry, Regina Coleman, John Priebe, Marc Garcia and Susannah Masson. Thanks to our Lectors for bringing the Word of God clearly and meaningfully – Dr. Michael Watts, Rina Rubio, Romer Hernandez, John Priebe, Megan Canavan, Nat Medina, Magno and Lourdes Herrera, Marc Garcia, Gladys Cornejo, Perla Castillo, Deacon Ramon, James Mossiman and Adrian Salas; and finally, thanks to our Altar Servers who attentively assisted: James Mossiman, Brianna and Brandon Tyson, and MariCruz Castillas.

On Easter Sunday, after watching the livestreamed Masses in the morning in English and at noon in Spanish, in which we renewed our baptismal vows, we had an Easter parade of cars in the parking lot, and I was able to bless anyone who came with baptismal water. We had well over 200 cars that came, and many cars had several people in them. All in all, I would estimate that over 600 people participated. This was a beautiful way to be connected as brothers and sisters in our parish while we cannot have public Masses. I want to thank Hannah Masson for coming up with the idea and executing it, along with her helpers, Kelly and Randy Bennett, Julie Canavan, Deacon Ramon Tirado, Robert Dwyer, Debbie Quetsch, Ellie Johnston, Hannah and Josh Bennett, Susannah Masson, Robert Masson, Marc Garcia and Ana Rocha (who collected non-perishable food for St. Joseph’s Table) and anyone else who helped out.

It was my joy to see the families and individuals I have not been able to see in person for a month now to drive up in their cars which started lining up at 1:30 PM. We had a constant flow for almost an hour; it was a wonderful reminder to us all of the good that God can deliver out of trials and tribulations. I’d also like to thank Kim Shrader and her family for the photo palm display of Precious Blood parishioners! I enjoyed seeing all the faces and am pleased it can be added to as more photos come in!

We have initiated a telephone tree to communicate with our parish community to hear how people are getting along during this pandemic. We could use some more volunteers who would be able to call several names per week. Contact the rectory office if you are willing to help. Thank you, Kelly Bennett for getting the ball rolling with this effort.

We have also started an emergency food pantry ministry, St Joseph’s Table, whose mission it is to provide some food for families in our parish who need emergency help. We are praying for some people to volunteer a few hours a week to help collect and distribute non-perishable food. Contact the rectory office as soon as possible with your interest and to get some more details.

Thank you to Robert Dwyer, our IT coordinator, who has devoted so much time and energy to the live streamed Masses and keeping the parish up to date on social media. And to Hannah Masson and the music ministers who have in a wonderful way helped make the streamed Masses a bit more familiar and comforting. Please continue to tune in and connect with each other to find ways to bond as a Church family. When this health crisis passes, we hope we can look back and see how well we have all grown spiritually from this challenge, united as the one Body of Christ. I want you to know I am here for you; you can always call or write or visit on Confession days.


Fr. Kevin

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