We are currently in need of volunteers in several of our Ministries. Please see the list below and contact the office if you are interested!
St. Joseph's Table
We are in need of volunteers, especially those who are bilingual, at both the Saturday (10am-12pm) and Wednesday (4pm-6pm). Please contact the Rectory Office, or Kelly Wilton (kwilton@pbcconline.com) to volunteer.
CCD Teachers and Aids
We are in need of several Teacher and Aids, especially those who are Bilingual for our 2020-2021 CCD School Year. Please contact Kelly Wilton at kwilton@pbcconline.com to volunteer.
We are hoping to have a group of at least 8 Sacristans to aid in setting up for, and cleaning up from Mass. Our goal is to have at least 2 people per Mass so they can work on alternating weekends. The role of a Sacristan is to set up the alter, vessels and other things used to celebrate Mass, and then clean them up again after the Mass ends. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Julie Canavan at jcanavan@pbcconline.com or by calling the Rectory Office.
Live Stream Techs
We have started a Live Streaming Ministry to help ensure that we have high quality Live Streams at our 11:30am and 2pm Masses. We are also going to be using the Live Streaming set up to help provide a higher quality feed for the Parish Hall when it is used as overflow for Masses. If you would like to volunteer for this ministry, please contact Robert Dwyer at rdwyer@pbcconline.com or call the Rectory Office.