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Chris Dellinger

Pastor's Corner 2/16

Updated: Mar 1, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On Saturday, February 22, at 6:45 PM we will have a meeting in the Parish Hall to look at the possibility of putting a crucifix in the sanctuary. I know there are various opinions on this, so I wanted everyone to be able to express them.

We continue to fundraise for our third parish/ school activity bus. Every day it brings 14 children to and from our school who would otherwise not be able to attend. It is great to be able to offer transportation for our community, not only for attending school, but also for Mass attendance and outreach activities such as field trips and visits to assisted living facilities. So far, we have raised $16,866, so we have $33,134, left to raise. Thank you for your support for our school, and this future generation for the world and the Church which our school educates.

The 2020 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA) has been mailed to all homes registered in our diocese. If you haven’t registered as a parishioner, we invite you to do so: registration forms are in the vestibule and in the office, please come by and introduce yourself and your family!

Also, you are invited to visit our webpage: for a direct link to contribute on behalf of our parish. You will also see information about the numerous organizations and ministries the BLA supports.

For the March for Life we sent two full buses with a total of 102 participants. The cost to the parish for chartering the buses was $2500.00. A freewill collection was taken up which gathered $612.26. If there is anyone willing to contribute to offset the remaining cost please contact the rectory office.

Please consider serving in our parish as a lector, usher, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion or altar server. We will be hosting a workshop here in the Annex on March 14, starting at 9 AM and finishing by 3 PM for EMHCs (the workshop is mandatory for someone wanting to serve in this way), and all those who wish to serve in any way in the Liturgy. More details will follow as we get closer to the event. In the meantime, if you are feeling called to serve, please complete the red sheet located in the vestibule by the literature rack and submit to the rectory office.


Fr. Kevin

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