Welcome to Precious Blood Parish
We are a joyful and faith-filled community committed to proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through meaningful worship, deepening our faith, and fostering fellowship, we strive to grow together as disciples of Christ. Whether you are new to the area or a lifelong parishioner, we invite you to join us in prayer, service, and worship as we journey together in faith, hope, and love. Here, you will find a spiritual home where everyone is encouraged to actively participate and share in the joy of the Gospel.
No Confessions Wednesday January 29th
Daily Mass
8:30 AM, Monday through Saturday followed by the Office of Readings and Morning Prayer
Wednesdays from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Saturdays from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
or by request.
Sunday Mass
Saturday Vigil at 5 PM (English)
Sunday Mass 8:30 AM & 11:30 AM (English)
10 AM & 2 PM (Spanish)
Holy Days
7 PM Vigil Mass the night before (Spanish)
8:30 AM, 12 PM, 7 PM (English)
Thursdays from 9 AM to 9 PM
Exposition, Office of Readings, and Morning Prayer follow Daily Mass

Misa Diaria
8:30 AM, lunes a sábado
seguido por la oración matutina
Miércoles de 6:30 a 7:30 PM
Sábados de 3:30 a 4:30 PM o en cualquier momento previa cita.
Misa Dominical
Misa Vigilia, sábados a las 5 PM (inglés)
Misas los domingos, 8:30 y 11:30 AM (inglés)
10 AM y 2 PM (español)
Días de Precepto
7 PM Misa Vigilia noche anterior (español)
8:30 AM, 12 PM, 7 PM (inglés)
Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento
Los jueves de 9 AM a 9 PM
Después de la Misa diaria, sigue la exposición y oración matutina

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Watch a Catholic movie, learn more about the Bible, the Sacraments, or a particular topic of Catholic Faith, read an e-book or listen to an inspiring talk. Start a Bible Study or review sessions from an entire R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation) course about the Catholic Faith. Click here to go straight to the FORMED website and sign up today! Code is V2XJNR