"Lent is a time of going very deeply into ourselves... What is it that stands between us and God? Between us and our brothers and sisters? Between us and life, the life of the Spirit? Whatever it is, let us relentlessly tear it out, without a moment's hesitation."
- Catherine Doherty
Lenten Mass Schedule
Daily Mass is said at 8:30 am Monday - Friday and followed by Morning Prayer and the Office of Readings
Weekend Mass include:
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5 pm
Sunday Mass in English at 8:30 am and 11:30 am
Sunday Mass in Spanish at 2 pm
Adoration on Thursdays
“In the Mass and in Eucharistic Adoration we meet the merciful love of God that passes through the Heart of Jesus Christ.” – St. John Paul II
Spend some time with Jesus in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Every Thursday we have Adoration from 9am until 9pm.
Sacrament of Confession
The Sacrament of Confession is available on Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:00pm and Saturdays from 3:30 - 4:30pm. The Sacrament is also available at any time upon request.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross are said every Friday during Lent at 6:30pm in English and 7:15pm in Spanish.
The Knights of Columbus are hosting hot fish dinners every Friday from 5:00pm- 6 :15pm.
40 Ways in 40 Days
Join our 40 Ways in 40 Days Facebook page and share your Lenten Story. Check out some of the posts from the page on the right. You can even like the page from here.
More Lenten Resources
ON FORMED.ORG--Into the Desert series Our Lord teaches that prayer is a relationship and
a vital necessity. And yet, many of us have difficulty committing to daily prayer. Follow Jesus into the desert
this Lent and discover intimacy with God in this 6-week video-based study with daily meditations in the
participants guide. Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the discipline of Lectio Divina to show you how to make
prayer an effective effort of love and intimacy. This series captures the secret to opening our hearts and minds
to Scripture as the means to hear from God and then respond in conversation, basking in his presence and
resolving to live in and through his love.
The Little Black books will be in limited supply! English/Spanish translations are available. These little books
contain six-minute reflections for every day of Lent. Lenten Word Among Us books are available too. Each
book is $1.00. Pick them up in the church vestibule while supplies last.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In
addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence. For members of the Latin Catholic Church, the
norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full
meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal. The norms concerning
abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onwards. If
possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the "paschal
fast" to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to
celebrate more readily his Resurrection.
Operation Rice Bowl; let us remember in prayer that as a community of faith, we have
the obligation to reach out to those most in need. Through Operation Rice Bowl, families fast by eating a
simple meal one day a week and place the savings of what a usual meal would cost in their “rice bowl”. Rice
Bowl boxes are in the vestibule. Collections will be on Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7:00PM