114 E. Edmondson St. Culpeper, VA 22701 | Phone: 540-827-4400 | office@pbcconline.com | Pastor Fr. Kevin Walsh
Ministries at Precious Blood
Our Parish is blessed with so many Ministries and ways to get involved. Click the links to the right to learn more about the various Ministries that we have. Contact information for each Ministry's Leader is listed along with a short description of the Ministry.
Consultative Bodies
Consultative Bodies serve to advise the Pastor on the needs of our Parish. They include the Finance Council, Pastoral Council, and Liturgy Council. Click Here to learn more.
Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical Ministries are those Ministries that serve at Mass. This includes Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC), Lectors, Ushers, and Music. Click Here to learn more.
Social Ministries
Social Ministries include all groups who meet for fellowship together such as CAN, the Mom's Group, TOPS, and Manna Scripture. Click here to learn more.
Prayer Ministries
Prayer Ministries includes those groups who spend time together in prayers, such as Adoration, Cursillo, Charismatic Prayer Group, St. Peter Julian Prayer Chain, and the Prayer Shaw ministry. Click Here to learn more.
Service Ministries
Service Ministries are those who meet to provide a service to the Parish or the greater Community. These Ministries include Altar Society, Arimathean, Knights of Columbus, Heat Shelter, and many more. Click here to learn more.
Liturgical Ministries Schedule
We have started using Ministry Scheduler Pro to schedule our Liturgical Ministries. Please click here to access the MSP login page for our Parish.